Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Just to post here

Wedding Information -- Straight from FaceBook~

Date: 7 Nov 2009> Time: 2-4pm (pls be there by 1pm. If you wish to offer assistance as an usher, please turn up at 12.30pm instead)

- Tea reception will be provided at 3.30pm

Venue: TouchCentre Chapel and Auditorium

Add: 3 Marine Parade CentralOpp. NTUC (old Marine Parade Library) and Marine Parade Police Post

It has been revealed that the colour theme for the wedding is purple. Please use common sense as to what is appropiate attire. Meaning, no purple slippers, no purple singlets, no purple flip-flops, no purple swimming trunks(we will throw you in the toilet bowl/pond), no purple boxers, no purple underwear(meaning no SUPERMAN stunts), no purple snorkelling gear, etc. If you don't have any purple clothing(or you don't look good in them/don't want to wear them), the alternative colours are yellow and white. However, you are encouraged to wear purple if possible.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
A week before Mr Ng's Wedding
Well, we have pratically a week (or less than a week) to Mr Ng's wedding, so I need to settle some stuffs here.

Firstly, the gifts. We'll most likely make a BIG angpao (and when I say big, it's the size, not the amount) out of cardboard paper or vanguard sheet with some decorations. We will then slot in the money inside the angpao. This should do the job. There will also (most likely though) be a class gathering around this week so that we can get the money from everyone who's going + make the angpao since we need lots and lots of helpers. I will confirm the place with Nicole and the date and time by Wednesday, so check back for more details!
Please bring your own gift(s) along with you. Mr Ng prefers angpao though.

Secondly, Nicole will be calling out everyone in our class (yes, everyone, whether you're going or not), so prepare to camp by your phone everyday and wait for her call ... (This is not confirm though, but she has the class list, so I assume she will do it)
I will be calling up everyone from tomorrow onwards since Nicole is pretending that nothing had happened and the sky is falling down.

That's all! Happy Holiday everyone!
Not! Where do I GET MY HOLIDAYS?!